Company group transfers

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When a company moves a division or headquarters from one region to another or to a different country, it can be a very stressful time for staff. They are bound to have many questions about how and what is going to happen.

ALGERIA RELOCATION SERVICES is here to ensure your employees and their families enjoy a smooth and stress-free move to their new home.

We can organize and coordinate your company’s group transfers, handle all the paperwork and follow up on every stage of the relocation.

Our group relocation services include: 

  • Presentation on the new location and region for employees followed by Q&A session.
  • Individual interviews with each employee to answer their questions and concerns.
  • Familiarization trips for employees to the new location (1-2 days).
  • Assistance with the sale or rental of an employee’s primary residence.
  • Rental property search in newlocation.
  • Assistance with moving and settling into a new rental.
  • Assistance with gathering information on schools and childcare.
  • Personalized service guaranteed every time.

Want to know more?

To find out more or if you have any specific questions, please go to the “Contact us” section on our website and we will be happy to answer them.